

The Limin­ka School of Arts, foun­ded in 1892 (then known as the Limin­ka folk school) is a pri­va­te boar­ding school owned by the associa­tion of sup­por­ting mem­bers of the Limin­ka folk school. In the year 1966 the Folk School of Limin­ka recei­ved per­mis­sion from the Natio­nal School Board to start on art cour­se at the school. This cour­se would enable stu­dents wit­hout pre­vious know­led­ge of art to stu­dy the various art sub­jects which per­haps would offer them a futu­re pro­fes­sion, or at least an apprecia­tion of art that would last their life­ti­me. After a period of five years, this line gra­dual­ly beca­me the main sub­ject of the school, and the Folk School of Limin­ka beca­me known as the Limin­ka School of Arts.

The Limin­ka School of Art’s one year cur­ricu­lum is specia­lized to give stu­dents the very fun­da­men­tals in sculp­tu­re, etc­hing, drawing, pain­ting, art his­to­ry, comics and theat­re. The pro­gram is desig­ned to moti­va­te stu­dents to ful­ly explo­re their poten­tials in the field of arts and also pre­pa­res them to seek oppor­tu­ni­ties in a hig­her level of educa­tion in arts.

In accor­dance to the law of the Folk School, stu­dents have to comple­te their man­da­to­ry educa­tion befo­re coming to the school. The ave­ra­ge age of a stu­dent is 25. Half of the stu­dents are 19–23 years old. Stu­dents come from all over Fin­land. The­re are also per year a small percen­ta­ge of foreign stu­dents. Cur­rent­ly the­re are 120 stu­dents enrol­led in the Limin­ka School of Arts.

The main lan­gua­ge of instruc­tion at the Limin­ka School of Arts is Fin­nish. Howe­ver, the school frequent­ly has guest teac­hers from various parts of the world, who have often taught in English.

For the basic cour­ses the stu­dents are divi­ded into groups which trans­fer from one stu­dio cour­se to anot­her. The school’s cour­ses are based on a five-day week, in which the stu­dents have the pos­si­bi­li­ty to work in the eve­ning in the works­hops, wit­hout the teac­hers. They are also able to work inde­pen­dent­ly during the wee­kend.

During the next year, 14.8.2023–24.5.2024, the school cost is 4 500 €. This pay­ment inclu­des room (who­le year), board (by wor­king days) and instruc­tion. Artist mate­rials are bought sepa­ra­te­ly by the stu­dent, and their month­ly cost depends on the indi­vi­dual and their acti­vi­ty.

You can apply to the school from the form lin­ked below, or send an applica­tion let­ter. In the applica­tion let­ter, the indi­vi­dual must also explain a litt­le about them­sel­ves. Addi­tio­nal infor­ma­tion concer­ning applying to our school is avai­lable from the school office, but in any case stu­dents who are inte­res­ted in our school are cor­dial­ly invi­ted to visit the school befo­re their applica­tion.

Welco­me to the Limin­ka School of Arts!