
Limin­gan tai­de­kou­lu tekee tai­tei­li­ja­re­si­dens­si­toi­min­taa yhteis­työs­sä Oulun sar­ja­ku­va­kes­kuk­sen kans­sa.

Aiem­pia resi­dens­si­tai­tei­li­joi­ta ja hei­dän töi­tään löy­dät tääl­tä.

“The resi­dency is loca­ted in Limin­ka. 30 kilo­me­ters South from the City of Oulu. Limin­ka School of Arts is the oldest com­mu­ni­ty col­le­ge in Fin­land, foun­ded in 1892. Adult stu­dents stu­dy a year or more in a boar­ding school envi­ron­ment in one of the four depart­ments, Fine Arts (pain­ting, print­ma­king, sculp­ting), Comics, Theat­re and Per­for­ming Arts and Free-form Stu­dies. Limin­ka School of Arts is a high­ly apprecia­ted school that has pro­duced many ack­now­led­ged pro­fes­sio­nals of con­tem­po­ra­ry art and comics.

We expect the resi­dencial artist to keep a five day works­hop and open lec­tu­re at Limin­ka School of Arts during the resi­dency period. Also at the Oulu Comics Fes­ti­val we expect the artist to pro­vi­de a 45 minu­te lec­tu­re. We also offer a fine exhi­bi­tion space for your artworks. Exhi­bi­tion takes place at the Oulu Comics Fes­ti­val and is loca­ted in Oulu City Libra­ry.

We are loo­king for a Comics artist who is com­mit­ted to teac­hing and has a background with teac­hing. Reci­dencial artist is of cour­se sup­por­ted by stan­ding teac­hers of the school.”